Chiefs part ways with 2019 lineup, sign ex-Genuine

Chiefs have announced the signing of the ex-Genuine roster, replacing their former lineup headlined by Tyler “tucks” Reilly.

Departures of Chris “ofnu” Hanley and Peter “BL1TZ” Athanasatos to AVANT, and not taking part in the IEM Katowice Qualifiers signaled big changes in Chiefs, which are now finally confirmed. The three remaining players from the 2019 lineup — tucks, Matthew “Texta” O’Rourke, and Ryan “zewsy” Palmer — are now free agents, with a new five-man lineup coming in.

Chiefs have cut ties with texta, tucks, and zewsy

The ex-Genuine roster averages just 21.4 years of age, and has recently reached the grand final of the IEM Katowice qualifier where they put up a fight against Renegades. As the third-highest ranked team playing in the region currently — behind Renegades and ORDER —, the team featuring Hugh “stat” Anderson has been scooped up by Chiefs.

In the announcement of the signing, Tom “apocdud” Henry stated his excitement for the chance to represent “such a storied organization”:

“We’re all super keen to represent such a respected and storied organisation, and hopefully with their support we’ll be able to continue climbing the ranks of OCE and start consistently competing in overseas events. I hope all our team’s fans keep following us on our journey with Chiefs!” – apocdud, team captain

Chiefs’ CEO Nick Bobir thanked the former lineup that “decided to go their separate ways, pursue new teams or hang up the keyboard”, implying a retirement from tucks might be on the cards:

“We would like to thank the previous members of the Chiefs Counter Strike roster who at the end of last season decided to go their separate ways, pursue new teams or hang up the keyboard. While one chapter closes – we are excited to start a new era with a team that has certainly worked hard throughout 2019, turned heads and made plenty of noise.” – Nick Bobir, Chiefs CEO

Chiefs are now:

Australia Hugh “stat” Anderson
Australia Chris “Jinxx” Moseley
Australia Tom “apocdud” Henry
Australia Jordan “SkulL” Newland
Australia Daryl “Mayker” May

Aside from a few months of inactivity and a loan spell to Tainted Minds, tucks was a part of Chiefs since 2016, attending three IEM Sydney events, three MDL Global Challenges, as well as numerous local and regional events with the team. Both tucks and Texta have VAC bans on record, which prevent them from taking part in Valve-supported events. The duo, alongside zewsy, formerly of Winterfox and Tainted Minds, are no longer contractually tied to Chiefs.

The following three players now free agents:

Australia Tyler “tucks” Reilly
Australia Matthew “Texta” O’Rourke
New Zealand Ryan “zewsy” Palmer
