FaZe have dominated the first two days of the BLAST Premier Spring Series with two-map victories over NiP and Liquid to become the first team confirmed at the BLAST Premier Spring Series Finals in Moscow, Russia.

FaZe ended 2019 on a low going out in last place at the BLAST Pro Series Global Finals, but they have now opened the 2020 LAN season by becoming the first team to qualify for the BLAST Premier Spring Series Finals after defeating a lackluster Liquid in a two-map series. The match highlighted the North American side’s struggles, which were seen in their opening map against MIBR where several players had to go above and beyond individually to close it out in overtime. Despite easying past the Brazilians in the second map of the series, today didn’t fare the same way as FaZe ran a tight ship in the upper bracket final.

Liquid started off with a bang on the CT side of Dust2, but quickly started to resemble the team that frayed at the edges against MIBR on Friday, as this time around it was not they, but FaZe, who were winning the important clutches and big rounds in the opening map of the series, Dust2. Despite losing footing in the second half, the European squad managed to close out their pick with strong showings by Marcelo “coldzera” David and Nikola “NiKo” Kovač to secure a lead going into map two.

The second map, Liquid’s pick, went the way of FaZe from the beginning, and although they gave up a round to a forcebuy, the Europeans were quick to establish a commanding lead that ended up in an 11-4 half. Checked out, Liquid couldn’t bring it back on the defense and capitulated on their map pick.

FaZe exploded onto the B site of Dust2 after they traded two players on mid against Liquid, but it was the North Americans who were able to retake the site and win the first round. Having lost the forcebuy, NiKo got his side on the board with two Desert Eagle headshots that allowed a 4vs3 afterplant situation to ensue. Despite the early blunder Liquid remained firm on the CT side, winning the first big buy by FaZe with lesser weapons, including Jake “Stewie2K” Yip finding a knife kill on Helvijs “broky” Saukants. The youngster bounced right back, however, winning a clutch against Nick “nitr0” Cannella in a four-kill round to close distances, 3-5, turning the economic game around. NiKo then got a 1vs3 of his own in another four-kill round to tie it up, 5-5. The clutchfest continued as coldzera won a 1vs4 afterplant on B with an SG553 as FaZe went on to close out the half 10-5.

Liquid won a fast, clean hit on B to open their attacking side and quickly turned the game on its head with five straight rounds to bring the score to an even 10-10. FaZe finally stopped the spree winning a 2vs3 afterplant on B. Down 11-13, Liquid stole an eco round running down short to A and won after planting the bomb to keep it within one. Liquid tried to take a pause when down 12-14, but were deleted off the server as the European combine shut the North American team down to close map one out, 16-12.

Liquid barreled down secondary mid on the attacking side of Inferno, but were met by a steady defense by FaZe on A. Down 0-3, Liquid hit the A site once again, this time from apartments, and were able to take over the site on a forcebuy and steal the round. The early game became unstable as rounds were traded but it was the Europeans who took the reins on the defense. Liquid were unable to find footing until the end of the half, but it was too late to make much of an impact as they ended 4-11.

FaZe kept their amperage high and won the second pistol round on Inferno and started to roll towards the finish line, but on round three Liquid were able to win a pistol buy to keep the game alive. Not for long, however, as FaZe bounced right back in a round that saw NiKo take down three CTs, making it 14-5, before coldzera won a 1vs2 afterplant to get on match point. Visibly superior, FaZe closed the map and match out to secure a spot in the BLAST Premier Spring Series Finals.

Credits: hltv.org