Top 5 Champions for Wild Rift beginners

Have you ever wanted to get in on Riot Games’ mobile version for their hit video game League of Legends but you just don’t know where to start? Do you ever just think about jumping into the game but don’t know which champions to use? Well not to worry, we’re here to ease the stress! Here are our picks for the five best champions to use on your Wild Rift journey.
Please do note that this list follows no rubric other than the respective champions’ playability and how easy it would be for players to adjust to using them all the while learning about the game. So without further ado, let’s hop in!
5. Lux

With a kit that consists of a root, a slow-and-damage, a barrier, and an ultimate that inflicts damage to all non-building units in a straight line, Lux is a beginner’s best friend. Lux fits into both the support and mid lane positions, giving players the option to be versatile.
Lux, whether played as a support or a mid lane mage, works well with Lucent Singularity as the first spell to pick up. The skill not only damages enemies caught in the radius of this spell, it also slows them, allowing for you or your co-laner to land in a few hits before it bursts and deals a considerable amount of damage. Her second skill, Prismatic Barrier, provides Lux and her teammates with survivability by potentially granting them a double shield if lined up correctly. And finally, Final Spark, Lux’s ultimate ability, provides players with an easy-to-use nuke that shuts down a whole lane if timed correctly.
With skills that run on the principle of being skill shots, taking Lux with you to the Rift will help you familiarize yourself with League of Legends’ fast-paced, skill shot-laden battle style. Be careful though, as bringing this bubbly ray of light with you in battle makes you a shiny target for the assassins hiding in the shadows, so always bring a Zhonya’s Hourglass with you.
4. Ashe

As an ADC or attack damage carry, crowd controls against your enemies are your friends, and Ashe is in no shortage of crowd controls. From her passive slow on auto attacks to her huge skill shot stun arrow, you can always guarantee to lock down your opponents and hit them with a barrage of freezing arrows.
For players looking to play in the Dragon Lane, picking up the Frost Archer wouldn’t be too bad of an idea. Aside from the aforementioned built-in crowd control skills she has, Ashe’s Ranger Focus can easily tear down an enemy’s hit points. You won’t have to worry about those pesky assassins looking to burst you down, as her Hawkshot provides you vision in straight line from where you fire it. So no, neither you nor your support will have to die from face-checking bushes (it’s a popular cause of death in low elo matches).
If you’re looking to practice your last hits as an ADC, or just getting to learn the ADC role in general, Ashe the Frost Queen is a pick you can never go wrong with.
3. Garen

If you’re looking to to learn the ropes in the Baron Lane, the pride of Demacia and Lux’s older brother may just be the right champion for you. Garen boasts an innate scaling healing ability, as well as the ability to take reduced damage and crowd control, and all these make him a perfect pick for the solo Baron Lane, where tanks often thrive.
Garen isn’t just all shield. He does carry a huge sword, after all. On top of his outstanding defensive abilities, Garen carries with him a potential to kill his enemy laners. Casting Decisive Strike to give Garen a movement speed boost allows him to catch up to his opponents and hit them with the bonus damage and silence that comes with it. Normally, after being silenced, opponents playing against Garen would duke it out with him in a battle of auto-attacks (as they know that Garen is usually slower in that aspect), only to be ripped apart by Judgement, another hit at Decisive Strike (thanks to its low cooldown), and finally being struck by Demacian Justice, being buried six feet under until their respawn timer expires.
Garen is an annoying champion to play against, but fun to play as. If you’re looking to practice the ethics of Baron Lane or learning how to play as a tank, then Garen is a champion that you should definitely pick up. Just be careful against champions that tear through armor, like Vayne, for example.
2. Teemo

For long-time players of League of Legends, this teeny, tiny shroom-planting little rascal is equivalent to nightmare fuel. For the benefit of newer players, here’s a translation: think Techies, but more annoying. Teemo has grown quite a reputation within the League community, and aside from his insane ability to get all the other 9 players in the game to rage, he’s also known to be fairly easy to play.
Teemo’s passive is Toxic shot. Originally his third skill in the PC version, this is the bread and butter of his kit. Toxic shot poisons any enemies hit with his auto attacks, dealing damage to them over time, based on his current ability power values. His third (originally passive skill) Guerilla Warfare, allows him to be camouflaged, or be partially invisible, making him harder to spot and target during team fights. However, Teemo shines most in two skills: his first and ultimate skills. His first skill, Blinding Dart, blinds the target for a brief period, casuing their attacks to deal no damage. His ultimate, Noxious Trap, allows him to plant shrooms all around the map that explode upon contact with an enemy unit. When these shrooms explode, they deal a huge amount of damage to enemies, slow them, and deal even more damage over time. Talk about annoying, right?
If you want to mentally and psychologically 1v9 in a match while simultaneously keeping the enemy on their toes, playing Teemo is a necessary choice. (Note: Just be careful not to tilt your teammates, they were already tilted when you locked in Teemo.)
1. Master Yi

Itching to go rogue and hunt glass cannons? Why, try picking up Master Yi! The Wuju Style master is perfect for players looking to get multikills while also looking to learn more about the game.
Playing Master Yi is simple, in fact so simple that we could give it to you in points!
- Lock in Master Yi
- Pick up smite
- Go farm in the jungle
- Gank lanes
- ???
- Profit
But in all seriousness, Master Yi is a good champion to pick for when you want to satisfy your killing bone. His Alpha Strike allows you to dodge crowd control and damaging skill shots while also dealing damage to enemies. His Wuju Style and Highlander allow for high DPS and movement speeds for chasing down those enemies lucky enough to run away from you. And finally, his meditate allows you to tank any attempts at bursting you down, so you could retaliate and burst them down in return.
If you’re looking to create flashy plays while still being new to the game, the Wuju Bladesman is your best buddy. So, pick up your sword and farm, farm, farm until you can kill, kill, kill!
These champions are not the only champions that are easy to play, but these champions more often than not help new players learn the reins of League of Legends. Not only that, they’re also fun to play with, although they’re also almost as annoying to play against. The next time you step on the rift and hope to learn more about the game, try picking these champions, as they help you understand what League really is about. There is nothing stopping you from picking your Zeds and Yasuos, though, it’s just that we advise you to learn the fundamentals of League with these champions. But if you think you can learn them with Zeds and Yasuos, then sure, go ahead, but be sure not to rage quit and run it down after a few deaths.
Best of luck in the rift to you, future summoner!