Yangon Galacticos are your new Early Summer Sunscream champions

The Grand Finals of the Early Summer Sunscream fell nothing short of exciting. Hailing from Myanmar, Yangon Galacticos proved that even political strife cannot stifle their fighting power as they swept Team Davao 3-0.
Depsite being at a disadavantage, Team Davao persevered and fought with every inch of their fighting spirits to fend off the unstoppable force that is Yangon Galacticos. Team Davao did not let up, picking up the pace as to not get stomped by Yangon Galacticos.
Here are the results of the Grand Finals, in case you missed it:

If you want to witness the hard-fought battles between both teams, click on our Facebook page for the full livestream of the series.
Thanks for being with us, and see you in the next tournament!