TI10 Collector’s Cache deadline moved to May 3



The early deadline has passed, but Valve has recently extended the acceptance of set ideas for the TI10 Collector’s Cache to May 3, Sunday.

According to gamepedia.com, the Collector’s Caches are special treasures that contain exclusive, untradeable cosmetic items that can only be purchased during The International each year.

The International 2019 Collector’s Cache | acquired from dota2.gamepedia.com

This announcement hints that Valve may be releasing the much-awaited TI10 Battle Pass soon.

Traditionally, the Battle Pass is released around May.

The steam community artists are given the opportunity every year to submit their ideas for the item to the Workshop. These will then be voted by the steam community, in which the highest number of votes will have its work considered for entry in the release of the Dota 2 Battle Pass.

The extension of the deadline also means that players have more time to cast their votes in the Workshop.

Valve is encouraging players to take part in the selection process so those insights will be heard.

While many are still clueless as to how the Dota Pro Circuit will continue with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, this gives us hope that the top dogs may be doing something to deal with the situation. We can only wait.