Where is the first team to win The International?

by: Bob Tagulob
Natus Vincere is the first team to win The International. Winning the first million-dollar in Dota2 history is certainly a big victory and a major success in their lives. This lineup consists of Ivan “Artstyle” Antonov, Danil “Dendi” Ishutin, Dmitriy “LighTofHeaveN” Kupriyanov, Clement “Puppey” Ivanov, and Alexander “XBOCT” (pronounced hwoʊst) Dashkevich.
Led by Artstyle, this lineup became known for their aggressive playstyle, wombo combo plays, and amazing plays from all over the map. Their legendary plays are all over the internet but the question is, after winning the first “The International”, where are the members of this legendary team at this moment?

Let’s start with the most famous player in this lineup, Danil “Dendi” Ishutin. Dendi was the face of the Dota Scene during his playing days with Na’Vi. Currently, he is still playing Dota and is now leading B8 in their journey to attend TI10.
Next, one of the two players who attended all the versions of The International, Clement “Puppey” Ivanov. He is currently leading Team Secret and still trying to win his second Aegis.

Next in the list is known for his aggressive carry plays, Alexander “XBOCT” (pronounced hwoʊst) Dashkevich. You can hear from this legendary carry if you watch his casts for the Russian Stream.

Now we are going to know where our beloved offlaner and always a part of their famous wombo combos, Dmitriy “LighTofHeaveN” Kupriyanov. He will be seen as an analyst/commentator for the upcoming Parimatch League Season 2 the will be happening on March 11.
And last but not the least, the captain of this team. Known for his unorthodox picks and very aggressive strategies, Ivan “Artstyle” Antonov. He was last seen as an analyst during the ONE Esports Dota2 World Pro Invitational Singapore that happened last December 22, 2019.
We surely miss the plays, the strategies, the aggressive playstyle and their own journey as fan favorites. The first team to raise the Aegis of Immortal will never be forgotten and will always be in our hearts. This Na’Vi roster is now disassembled but the important thing is that they still continue to give us entertainment in the Dota Scene. Let’s just enjoy the great highlights of this team and hope that they have a greater future.